Polkesyo Dispatches Sanitation Students for Industry Internships

31 Jan 2024

The Industrial Internship program for 82 students enrolled in the Sanitation Diploma Three Study Program commenced from February 1 to February 29, 2024. The initiation involved comprehensive briefings facilitated by external entities, including representatives from the Yogyakarta K3 Center, Nupest Semarang Ltd., Magetan Leather Center, and Dolphin Putra Sejati Ltd. Subsequently, internal briefings were conducted by designated personnel overseeing the Industrial Internships Course.

On January 29, 2024, the official release ceremony took place in the Literacy room on the 4th Floor of Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta. This event was graced by the presence of Dr. Bambang Suwerda, MSi, the Department Head, Riski Amalia, SKM, MKes, the Department Secretary, Siti Hani Istiqomah, SKM, MKes, the Head of the Sanitation Study Program, Naris Dyah Prasetyawati, SST, MSi, the Head of the Applied Undergraduate Study Program, along with managers, supervisors, and students.

During his address, the Department Head announced the allocation of 23 Industrial Internship locations across the DIY, Central Java, East Java, and West Java regions. Students partaking in the program were urged to uphold discipline, adhere to best practices, and uphold the esteemed reputation of both the Environmental Health Department and Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta.

The release ceremony culminated with a prayer led by one of the participating students, marking the commencement of their Industrial Internship journey.